Updated Coronavirus Guidelines

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As we continue our Lenten Journey to Pascha, we ask that all faithful continue to pray for those afflicted by the virus that they may be comforted and healed and the task force and medical professionals working to combat and control the spread of the virus be granted strength and wisdom.

At St. Nicholas we will continue with the celebration of Divine Liturgy and other services. However, we now are increasing our warning to our most vulnerable parishioners and attempting to reduce the possibility of infection to others.

The Flu and Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues to evolve daily and hourly with cases now identified in DC, MD, and VA and in our own neighborhood, Christ Church in Georgetown. 

1.   Based on the outbreak patterns of other countries, we can expect the number of infected in the US to rise substantially in the next few weeks.

2.   We know that those who are infected with Coronavirus generally do not show symptoms for five days. This means that members of our communities, and even St. Nicholas parish, may already be infected and not be aware.

3.   Avoiding crowds and staying at home is one of the best ways to protect yourself from infection.

4.   Do not touch your face—eyes, nose, or mouth.

5.   If you feel ill or are coughing or sneezing, do not leave your home. Please notify clergy if you or someone you know is homebound or in protective self-isolation so that we may pray for them.

6.   If you are over 60 and/or have an underlying chronic health condition, or if you are any age and your immune system is suppressed, strongly consider staying at home. Watch a liturgy online or read the liturgy at home. Ensure that you have at least two weeks of food and health supplies at home.

7.   If you are in a high-risk group and decide to come for Divine Liturgy, consider coming ONLY for Holy Communion and leaving immediately after. The crowds at liturgy and during Coffee Hour make it difficult for you to protect yourself.

8.   While receiving Holy Communion, put your head back, open your mouth wide, and do not close it until priest puts Holy Body in your mouth and removes the spoon, so you will receive Holy Communion without touching the spoon with your lips.

9.   Everyone traveling internationally, please refrain from coming to church services for a period of fourteen days (noted COVID-19 incubation).

At St. Nicholas Cathedral, we will be taking these measures to reduce risks:

  • Encourage parishioners to bow rather than kiss when venerating icons, the cross, and the Holy Communion chalice.

  • Clergy and Laity practice meticulous handwashing and use of sanitizer gel.

  • Exclude physical contact, such as hugs, kisses, and handshakes, with clergy and other parishioners. The clergy will not offer their hands to be reverenced and will refrain from touching the faithful when giving a blessing.

  • Staff our Candle Counter with two volunteers, both wearing gloves, one to handle cash and the other to handle prosphora.

  • Remove all memorial and blessing booklets, as well as prayer lists, as these are a risk to Candle Counter volunteers and the Altar Servers who touch them.

  • Remove service booklets, although you are welcome to bring your own.

  • Use a paper towel or gloves to touch anything—door knobs, chairs, tables, coffee dispensers.

  • Use only pre-packaged snacks, tea, and non-dairy creamer at Coffee Hour.

  • Extra cleaning and sanitizing of the church before and after Coffee Hour.

These preventive measures are temporary and are in response to a public health crisis. We should support each other and those who make the choice to refrain from participating in the traditional liturgical practices and take precautions.

Extra cleaning of the church - before and after the Vespers and the Divine Liturgy – remains mandatory at St. Nicholas.

We are grateful to our staff and volunteers for their efforts.

Please, find the link to the latest from the #1 expert in USA, Dr. Fauci, at


Follow CDC for the guidelines at


Please, do share these guidelines with any, especially elderly, parishioners, who may not have internet access.

With love in Christ,

Father George Kokhno

Father Valery Shemchuk

Parish President Claire Nobles