Sunday School
Registration Forms
Permission Form and Liability Waiver
Reflections of Faith and Reason (by St. Nicholas parishioner Paul Grenier)
The mission of Sunday School at St. Nicholas is to pass on to the children of our parish the sacred truths and traditions of the Holy Orthodox faith. We wish to ensure that the next generation of Orthodox Christians will be able to meet the challenges presented by the world in the 21st century. Our Sunday School will assist, encourage, and strengthen parents who have the primary role in educating their children.
We offer classes for the following ages groups:
2–5 years old
6–8 years old
9–12 years old
13 years and older
To better support our Sunday School community, we are changing our communication and administrative processes. For any questions or inquiries regarding Sunday School, please contact the following teachers:
For 2-5 year olds: Victoria McNamee at
For 6-8 year olds: Matushka Marina Shemchuk at
For 9-12 year olds: Sofia Willis at
For 13 years and older: Ivan Plis at
Photo: Tim Markatos