Homebound Ministry
“I [Lord Jesus] was sick and you visited me…”
Our parish has a number of elderly, homebound, and ailing parishioners who could benefit from visitation and assistance. For decades, clergy and individual parishioners have reached out to parishioners who could not participate in the parish’s liturgical life and fellowship. The cathedral is consolidating all visits to ill and homebound parishioners under a single parish visitation ministry, coordinated by Fr. Dn. Igor Panyutin. He is compiling a list of the parishioners who require assistance to better match them with volunteers who can visit them. The new parish visitation ministry will track our existing efforts and enhance them, when necessary, to provide comprehensive coverage.
If you would like to be a visitor or want to add the name of a homebound parishioner to the list, please contact Deacon Igor at panyutin@comcast.net or 301-367-3851.
With love in Christ,
Fr. George
Fr. Valery
Photo: Tim Markatos