COVID-19 Ministries

As we continue to navigate this unprecedented time, we as a parish continue to think of ways we can build our community and help those in it during the time of the pandemic. We are seeking volunteers for the following three things:

Open Phone Lines

We are attempting to keep a schedule of multiple volunteers who can answer phone calls from church members who are feeling stressed and isolated during these uncertain times. Callers may be afraid, unable to leave their homes, or simply want to hear a friendly voice for a chat. To accomplish this goal, we have created a schedule of one hour shifts from 8am-10pm for which volunteers can sign up, and which is released through e-mail to parishioners. Volunteers attempt to leave the line open to answer these calls during their shift, which is scheduled for two consecutive weeks.

Errand Running

We are compiling a list of volunteers who would be willing to run errands for elderly, special needs, and homebound parishioners should the need arise. Volunteers are organized by neighborhood and connected with those closest to them for errands.

Errands could be things like:

  • Picking up prescriptions

  • Grocery or other shopping

  • Mailing packages

  • Taking a pet to the veterinarian

Please note that this will not involve visiting the parishioner, as we do not want to expose them to any illness, but running errands only.

Scheduled Phone Calls or Video Chats

We are looking for members who would be willing to volunteer for things such as:

  • Calling the elderly or infirm, or those in the community who may be feeling afraid at this time, for a comforting chat that will help them maintain connection.

  • Video chatting online with children to distract them while mom or dad take care of some household tasks or work, perhaps playing games with the children or helping them with homework. (This is a great opportunity for high schoolers to help out!)

  • Keeping in touch with parishioners, either over the phone or online, who are feeling alone and isolated during this period. 

If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities, please contact Christine Kirchner at (512) 919-6810 or