Weekly Announcements

Announcements for week of December 1

Stairs Repair Project

First Phase of the Stairs Repairs Has Begun

Repairing cracks, caulking, and power washing of the Cathedral's limestone walls has begun. You will notice how much lighter and more beautiful the Cathedral's walls will be after the power washing is complete!

This is Phase I in the Stairs Repair Project, which will continue only after the Annual Meeting of the Cathedral Community approves the expenses, as is prescribed in our Bylaws. Ivan Andonov, the Cathedral's Facilities Committee Chairman, has led the team in planning and preparing for this project over the past two and a half years.

We all need to be actively involved in the process by participating in the discussions before and during our Annual Parish Meeting and supporting the Stairs Project financially, since its cost will completely deplete our Major Repairs Fund.

Dormition Guild Soup Sales

The Dormition Guild will be selling Lenten soups following Liturgy on Sunday mornings. Stop off outside the church and pick up a carton or two of tasty homemade Lenten soup for one of these cold fall evenings (or for a nice work lunch) and help the Guild support the Cathedral!

Christmas Shopping

at the Gift Corner

The Holidays are fast approaching….Please consider making selections from the Gift Corner’s exciting new collection of icons, crosses, Christmas ornaments, Russian shawls, and Palekh. This is a win/win situation. You make lovely gifts and support your church at the same time.

Saint Ambrose of Milan

Scripture Study Group

Please Note New Class Time

The Scripture Study Group at Saint Nicholas Cathedral has discussed the Book of Genesis and concluded studies of two Church Fathers, Saint Basil the Great and Saint Gregory of Nyssa. The group will now initiate a discussion on Saint Athanasius’ “On The Incarnation” and Father Schmemann’s “Liturgical Theology”. Our class will be held everySaturday, at 3:00 PM in the Annex library.  If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Father George Kokhnoat gkokhno@gmail.com and Ioannis Gkigkitzis at igkigkitzis@nvcc.edu.


Do You Know Someone Who

Might Benefit from a Visit?

If you know a parishioner who is sick, homebound, or in any other kind of distress, and could benefit from a visit, please contact the coordinator, Deacon Igor, at panyutin@comcast.net.


Calling our Musical Parishioners!

Thank you to everyone involved in the first St. Nicholas Talent Hour performance! One part of my mission here at St. Nicholas is to develop and encourage our musical talent - especially in our youth! I was very happy with the results this year and now plan, with Fr. George’s blessing, to make this a yearly event.

This year we featured soloists singing and playing Russian, American and Classical music. We also had the first performance of the new St. Nicholas Youth Choir. Any parent with a child seven years of age or older who is interested in this choir should notify me.

Because becoming a musician is a process, I will be working throughout the year with everyone who wants to perform. I look forward to working with you throughout the year in anticipation of the next beautiful Bazaar performance.               

Serge Romanchak    phone: 703-821-0065

Orthodox Christian Mission Center

(OCMC) Agape Canister

The OCMC Agape Cansiter at the candle counter brought in $82.00 for mission activities. Thank you for your donations!  If you would like to go on an OCMC mission trip, please go to the website https://ocmc.org/about/open_teams.aspx to apply for an open mission team.


St. Nicholas Photo Directory Update 

We are still signing up parishioners for the Lifetouch photo sessions, to be held in the church Rectory at 3525 Edmunds Street. Please note the changes to the session hours!

Friday, December 6 - noon to 7 pm

Saturday, December 7 - 10 am to 6 pm

Sunday, December 8 - noon to 7 pm 

Sign up sheets are available in the church hall on Sundays after both Liturgies. See Candice Johnson, Katya Haines and Alyssa McCrea for more information, or email Candice at ceinarjohnson@gmail.com.

You Can Now Sign up for the Lifetouch Photo Session Online!

Go to https://booknow-lifetouch.appointment-plus.com/b2gqxkdv/ and click the Login button on the top right of your screen. The first time you access this site, you will need to create an account by pressing the "Create an Account" button. Fill in the displayed fields to set up an account with your own personal password; that will give you access to the sign up pages. If you need to change an appointment time or other information, just use the username and password which you created to login and make the fix.

Pennies for Alaska

We are now in the middle of the 4th quarter of the year.  Donations to St. Herman Seminary in full canisters or appropriately labelled containers can be submitted on any Sunday to the candle counter. The next official canister collection day is Sunday 29 December. In order to approach the $1,060 total collected last year, we need to top $400 before December 31.  Antique silver dollars and historic wheat pennies still need appraisal and sale.  We hope to include them in our 2020 collection year.  Many thanks for your interest and support for the St. Herman Seminary community in Kodiak, Alaska.


FOCA Education Day

St. Stephen's OCF will be hosting the annual Colonial District FOCA Education Day on Saturday, December 7 at St. Stephen's Cathedral, Philadelphia.  Guest speaker will be Fr. Dan Skvir, Advisor to Princeton University OCF and pastor of the Transfiguration Chapel Parish at Princeton University.  He will speak on the topic, "Orthodoxy on Campus; A Perspective".  

“R” Club Christmas Party

The Nation's Capital "R" Club invites you to its annual Christmas Party, which Betty Slanta and Andrea Lutov have agreed to coordinate. As heavy appetizers (zakuski) and dessert will be served, please contact either of them (lululutov@gmail.com and slanta@verizon.net) and let them know what special dish you will be bringing. 

In addition, we will have a gift exchange for those who want to participate. Please bring a wrapped gift, valued at about $15.00, and wait for "oohs and ahhs" and good natured "competition" for the sought-after gift.  In addition, this evening will be capped off with the singing of Christmas carols. 

This festive event is open to all members of the St. Nicholas community and their friends. You don't need to be an "R" Club member to attend.  We hope to see you on the 30th!

When: Monday, December 30 (the Monday after Christmas), 6:30 p.m.

Where: St. Nicholas Cathedral Annex


Save the Date for the

50th Annual Russian Ball

Under the Gracious Patronage of Her Imperial Highness The Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna of Russia, Chairmen Professor and Mrs. Paul du Quenoy and Co-Chairmen Prince and Princess Nicholas Obolensky kindly request that you save the date for The 50th Annual Russian Ball on Saturday, January 18, 2020 at The Cosmos Club, located at 2121 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington DC.


Parishioner Memorial Project

Each month we hope to highlight the memory of a departed parishioner or friend of St. Nicholas Cathedral. If you have a loved one or friend that you would like to have featured, please send a short biography with their contributions to our Cathedral life, no matter how great or small - with a digital photo if available - to  Lisamik56@gmail.com  with the words "Memory Eternal" in the subject line. Please include the date and year of death, as we will try to highlight the departed around an anniversary.