Announcements for Week of February 2

Election Results from the January 26 Annual Meeting

Claire Nobles was elected president.

Elected to the Parish Council were:

  • Anne Rowe, Bob Cowgill and Kenton Cath for three year terms

  • Tom Breckenridge for a two-year term

  • Glenn Hartman and Mark Naydan for one-year terms as deputies

Congratulations to all, and thank you to all parishioners who attended the meeting. A summary of the proceedings (not the official minutes) will be posted the week of February 2. 

Candice Johnson, Parish Secretary

Dormition Guild Gifts

The Cathedral would like to thank the Dormition Guild for $1,400 in monetary donations in 2019 that were inadvertently left off the Treasurer’s report. The Guild donated $400 toward the air conditioning system in the annex and $1,000 for the repair of the Cathedral’s limestone steps. 

We offer our gratitude not only for the generosity of these gifts but for flower arrangements, lampadas, chandeliers, and more ways the Dormition Guild has beautified our Cathedral over many years!

Please Bring Socks!

On the Sunday of the Last Judgment (Meatfare Sunday), February 23, 2020, we will be collecting new socks to be donated to the needy in area shelters. Please bring only brand new men’s, women’s and children’s socks in the original packaging. We will have designated boxes on that Sunday for collecting the socks. For questions, please email Candice Johnson ( or Susan Rudy (

“Then the King will say to those on His right hand, . . . I was naked and you clothed Me . . .” (Matthew 25:34-36) 

Stewardship and Fundraising News

St. Nicholas Stairs Fundraising Campaign Update

As of 14 January 2020, the Cathedral has raised close to $70,000 to finance critical repairs to our limestone stairs. We are nearly halfway to our fundraising goal of $150,000!

Please prayerfully consider what you could donate to support the Stairs Project. No donation or pledge is too small. We are grateful for every penny!

Claire Nobles

St. Nicholas Treasurer