Announcements for week of December 9

Stewardship and Fundraising News

Pledging for the Year 2020

Thank you to those who have already pledged to St. Nicholas for 2020! For those who have not yet pledged, we ask you to consider "first portion" giving. First portion giving of a tenth of one’s income (a tithe) is taught by all Christians as being a scriptural standard, established in the Old Testament and carried forward to the New Testament.

Some may give another meaningful percentage of their income, for example, 2 hours per week of salary. However, not all can live up to the ideal of tithing – a least not in one jump. Another way to think about it is to compare our expenses and our donations to the church: is cable TV, a coffee shop, or church getting more of my financial support?

St. Nicholas Silent Auction Team

Claire Nobles will be leading a team of parishioners to collect Silent Auction items for this year’s Maslenitsa fundraiser. It is all about raising funds to help vulnerable parishioners, charitable organizations, and occasionally Cathedral fresco repairs. We hope to brainstorm, learn more about fundraising, and have some fun, too. If you are able to participate, please contact Claire at

Stairs Repair Project

A Longtime Parishioner Appeals for Contributions to the Stairs Project

St. Nicholas Cathedral is preparing to repair the limestone steps, a costly – close to $150,000 – yet critical project, the first major stairs repairs since 1963.

Barbara White, a St. Nicholas parishioner since 1976, has founded a campaign to financially support this important project.

Barbara has generously donated $10,000 and encourages at least 9 more people to contribute/match this donation. She urges other faithful to contribute as much as they are able.

The Cathedral can accept both personal checks and donations of stock in publicly traded companies.