COVID-19 Precautions and Participation Procedures

Dear Parishioners and Visitors: 

Following the DC Mayor's Order 2021-069 of May 17, 2021, guidelines set by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon and the Cathedral’s Parish Council, we are delighted to provide you with the updated guidelines and registration requirements for participation in the services at St. Nicholas Cathedral that are effective since May 28, 2021:  

1. Schedule of 2022 Services:  

Please refer to the newsletter on the homepage of the website

2. Number of Participants and Social Distancing:

All capacity restrictions have been waived. 

However, we urge all unvaccinated parishioners to maintain a 3-feet social distancing, except for the same household members. 

3. PPE:

A face mask must be on before entering and during the whole time you are inside the Cathedral. Please carry an extra face mask with you at all times. 

4. Coffee Hour:

Coffee hour is resumed indoors.

Other Important Notes:

  • Bow (DO NOT KISS) to venerate the icons, frescoes, the Holy Communion cup, the priest’s hand, and the cross;

  • A basket will be near the exit doors in case you would like to leave an offering. You can also make your donation through the Cathedral’s website.

We hope the above outline helps you be better prepared and look forward to seeing you at the Divine Liturgies or other Services at St. Nicholas Cathedral. 

With love in Christ, 

Father George Kokhno
Father Valery Shemchuk
Claire Nobles, President
The St. Nicholas Parish Council